Handheld / Vehicle-Mounted


Operating our Emesent Hovemaps as handheld LiDAR scanners make them incredibly portable and simple to use. Scanning simply involves moving through an environment at normal walking speed. Handheld scanning allows us to scan underneath bridges, within vegetation and inside buildings. A great benefit of walking scans is that you are free to move the scanner around, so you can scan underneath and above objects.

Mounting the same LiDAR to a vehicle means much larger areas can be captured, making it one of the most economical ways to scan. The Emesent Hovermap system can be mounted on a wide range of vehicles including light vehicles, wheeled rovers, bicycles, quad bikes, and remotely operated heavy equipment.

Whether handheld or vehicle-mounted; ground control points can be used to correct SLAM drift and provide accurate spatially controlled data sets.

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